
Developing a facility management strategy: key components for success

Developing a Facility Management Strategy

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, where 70% of operational costs are tied to facility management, developing a solid facility management strategy is not just beneficial—it’s essential. Facility management (FM) goes beyond overseeing physical buildings; it enhances the efficiency and longevity of an organization’s assets while ensuring a safe, productive working environment for all.  But … Read more

How to choose the right CMMS software?

Worker wearing safety glasses

The implementation of CMMS software to improve maintenance management is generally a good idea that can bring substantial savings. However, its success depends greatly on the chosen solution. Indeed, choosing software that is not adapted to the company’s needs can have disastrous consequences. This may be because the software is too limited in functionality, cannot evolve over … Read more

BIM for FM or how to facilitate building maintenance during the operational phase

Transparent building

BIM for FM is a new application of the BIM concept that facilitates and optimizes building maintenance by broadening its scope. By linking the digital model of the building design, with sensors installed on the equipment and CMMS software, BIM for FM helps maintenance professionals to reduce operating costs by optimizing their interventions. From BIM for … Read more

What are the key advantages of a mobile CMMS solution for your organization?

Worker holding a tablet

The use of a mobile CMMS solution has many advantages for building maintenance. You get the benefits of a CMMS application while enjoying the flexibility and mobility of older maintenance management methods. Despite their many qualities, traditional maintenance management software applications have a hard time seducing many companies, particularly those that deal with the maintenance … Read more

Should you use a CMMS application or Excel to manage maintenance?

Keyboard enter button closeup

Among the many possible uses of Microsoft Excel is the building of a CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System). Although Excel was not designed specifically for this purpose, many companies have long used it, or still use it, to manage their maintenance, rather than using purpose-built, dedicated software. Therefore, why use a CMMS application if Excel … Read more

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