
New Hybrid Real Estate Strategies – Occupier Research

How is the use of the workplace evolving post-pandemic? Many organizations have announced new policies, but how representative is this of the market? What is actually happening, across different industries and company sizes? Unlock key takeaways to inform your real estate strategies.

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Discover the results of an international occupier survey

Responses (mostly by Heads of CRE) represent more than 13M m² of office space, measured in Q4 2022. The research was conducted by Urbanite Advisors.

Access this research report to inform your hybrid strategy in real estate.

Hybrid Real Estate: Some Key Findings From the Occupier Research

  • The consensus on 2,4 days of remote working remains, with a slight increase since 2022
  • Return to office rates remain low at 2 days a week (41% occupancy) and across all business sectors lower than the expected return to the office set by employers (i.e. employees do more remote work than their allowance)
  • Footprint dynamic remains stable – The expected space reduction over the next 5 years remains at around 16-18% on average
  • Demand for flexible Real Estate is increasing with 68% of respondents planning to offer access to coworking/flexible space to manage overflow
  • Adoption of agile workplaces with desk sharing almost doubles (pre-Covid vs. 2022)
  • More than half of respondents are expanding their recruitment geographies to reach new talent pools
  • ESG is at the top of most organizations’ agendas and over 80% are planning to improve and create new facilities to support soft mobility (over 60% of the carbon emissions of an office-based employee relate to home-office commutes)

Urbanite Advisors helps its clients rethink their real estate and urban development strategies to accommodate new ways of working. It offers occupiers a comprehensive and independent advisory approach to support all aspects of corporate real estate strategies. And it supports investors from repositioning single assets to broader investment strategies based on a strong understanding of occupiers’ demand.

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